Know more about Mental Health
Our Blog series aims to provide information around Mental Health, what effect it has on us all and also how to look after your own mental health and wellbeing.
What could cause a psychosocial injury?
I often find myself having conversations with owners of smaller businesses about Psychosocial Risk, what it means and what could cause injury. We can clearly identify physical risks, whether it be taping cords down on the floor, wearing hard hats if something might fall on our head or even wearing a mask if there will be dust or fumes. But we don’t have as clear an understanding of Pyschosocial injury.
Building a Mentally Healthy Workplace: A Path to Reduced Sick Leave and Improved Retention
What impact can a mentally healthy workplace have on rates of retention and personal leave?
Psychosocial Risk within Workplace Health and Safety Laws in Australia
How much do you/does your organisation know about psychosocial risks within WHS laws and requirements?
Mental Health in the Workplace
Mentally healthy workplaces are as important to Australian employees as physically safe workplaces, however workplaces are not meeting their expectations.
• 91% believe mental health in the workplace is important (88% believe physical safety is important).
• Despite this, only 52% of employees believe their workplace is mentally healthy compared to 76% for physical safety.
• Only five in ten (56%) believe their most senior leader values mental health.
Importance of Mental Health First Aid.
Now more than ever, it is vital to be informed about the mental health and wellbeing of your workforce. As we emerge from lockdowns, quarantine and isolation, being informed will ensure a smoother transition back to the workforce and allow for support for those who are struggling with being back out in the world.
What will MHFA teach me?
The Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) will teach you the skills to be able to recognise a person’s poor mental health and about particular mental illnesses. You will learn about Depression, Anxiety, Psychosis, Substance use issues, Eating disorders and Mental health in the community and Australia.